Private Jets – The luxurious way to cruise in the Air
Travelers who have been through delays and disappointments while traveling commercially, can be relieved. Travel can indeed be very satisfying and extreme luxury can be experienced with Private Jets, and MD Arrowair and President Business Aircrafts Association, the very dynamic Rohit Kapoor takes Rinku Madan aboard a Gulf Stream G200 and tells us how.

Date Ready
In Pretty Woman Richard Gere takes Julia Roberts on a date from New York to Paris, this was a 6 hour flight aboard Gulf Stream possibly a G450 which could have cost 8000$ an hour. Which also means 10,000$ spent on a date!! “But if its Julia Roberts, well why not”, says Kapoor. And if it is that special girl, you should go all that extra way. A joy ride from Delhi – Agra however would cost much less, only you wouldn’t be able to woo her with Champagne, as alcohol is prohibited on domestic flights.

There was a time, say around 1960’s, when Billionaires were more snobbish about being aboard private airliners, and against commercial travel. This led to their aircrafts, walls being laden with Mahogany, plush leather seats, a fully stocked wet bar and concierge like services, that would put a 5 Star Hotel to shame. But as Kapoor reiterates, that modern times would term these jets more as a “business tool”, serving as a full fledged office as well. With features like Satellite Phones, Video Monitors with Full flat screens, and personalized sleeping features etc. Kapoor is all for the use of private jets, whether it is buying one or outsourcing one to avoid daily working tables or if you’re not loaded enough. Having a Jet at your disposal, gives the industrialists flexibility in time management. It buys them time and is more of a productivity tool.

Become a Jet Owner
Kapoor mentions, that as private jet travel becomes more mainstream, companies such as his – Arrow Air are the one’s to look out for. It is not easy to become a Jet Owner in our country. Government permissions could take 6-8 months, as a whole process is followed before the aircraft is released. Permissions are required from RBI, “no where in the world, is it so difficult like here in India. There’s a huge market, but we are hindered by archaic laws”, says Kapoor. But the good news is that the newer aircrafts do have a lead time of 6-8 months for a larger Gulf Stream, and Kapoor’s 5 year old company provides all that and more. From customizing the aircraft for the client as per certifications by the authorities, to arranging aircraft charters for third parties, to selling etc. They are also venturing in to maintenance by Jet Aviation for heavy aircrafts in the near future. Owning a Jet is a huge matter of pride for the owner, just like if you would own a Bentley or a Rolls Royce, Gulf Stream is like the Gold standard for private aviation or business jets.