Rinku Madan speaks with Brent Owens Winner Master Chef 2014

1. Your favourite thing about summer?
My favorite summer activity would be, social gatherings. Going away together with family and friends creates great bonding. The whole family gets together, there are lot of social drinks, people and a lot of good food. This is what makes summer special. Also, barbequing is sort of an Australian tradition, that would be a favorite for me for summer.
2. Five things in your trolley?
i) Great quality olive oil
ii) Garlic
iv) Ginger
v) Smoked Paprika
These would Always be in my trolley.
3. Latest food discovery?
Everything I’ve eaten in India has been new to me. Paani Puri, being my favorite. Also memorable mentions would be, Sev Puri at Juhu Beach, Pav Bhaji, Vada Pav, Idli and Dosa. I had never heard or seen any of it till now. Will go back and will try and recreate all of it.
4. If you had to write, direct and act out a food based movie, what would it be about and what would you call it?
I would call it ‘Fire’. It would be based around chilies, the hottest chilies in the world and me trying them. My stomach is not very strong so people would see me in different moods, crying, sweating and maybe even moaning and groaning but in happiness.
5. The most sublime food experience that you have had? Where was it?
I would say, it was the fine dining experience at the Press Club by George Calombaris. He cooks eighteen to nineteen courses in front of you, you are really full by the fourth or the fifth course, but it is an incredible experience just to be there.
There is medical and scientific equipment around the table which he uses in all his cooking. Example- Centrifuge, which is used for the separation of fluids, gas or liquid, based on density. The food is amazing and not just theatrical.
6. Why would we invite you to a barbeque? What would you bring?
Because I’m an Aussie and we cook the best bbq in the world, is reason enough for me you to invite me. Australian males cook the best bbq- Period. It’s just the sort of thing men do, bbq is considered a man’s job in our country like mowing a lawn. It is our pride and joy.
I would bring ingredients that people enjoy like chicken and lamb. There’s a recipe in my book called ‘Jerk Marinade’. I would make pork ribs American style, I would do amazing seafood and corn bbq and jazz it all up. Lamb is sort of an another Australian thing that we pride ourselves on. I would definitely bring lamb along.
7. The best and the worst part of being a celebrity?
Best: Getting a lot of free stuff
Worst: Never being able to be down or low. You have to show people that you are happy all the time. That can be difficult.
8. Favorite ice cream flavor? And least favorite vegetable?
Veggie: I am not the biggest fan of eggplant and I don’t really like peppers. Red is okay but yellow and green, I don’t like.
Ice cream: I’m a big fan of coffee. Double, triple and quadruple chocolate anything in chocolate. I also like peanut butter ice cream. My favorite place for ice cream if I buy is Gelato Messina, but generally I just make my own.
9. Last meal?
Here’s the setting-
It’s a cold day, its raining outside, 16 degrees, heat is broken, there is a cold draft coming from the back door and I am sitting and drinking a piping hot chocolate fondant or a chocolate self sauce in pudding which is a half cooked cake and you would pour boiling water when it is cooked. This would 100% be my last meal.
10. One piece of food wisdom for the masses?
As you would know, every mistake is one step to getting it right. Every time you get something wrong, don’t be afraid cause you won’t get it better then. I also want to tell my fans, I’m here in India to research some stuff for my line of fresh packaged meals. Australia is one of the top three obese growing nations in the world. There are not many options for healthy eating, so I want to look into that direction. My motto is “build to expand rapidly”. Also tune into our new Season 7 of Masterchef Australia.