Whoever said classy people couldn’t be party animals too? Taking the art of Champagne to a completely new level, this revolutionary, hand-blown champagne glass resembles something between a sophisticated bong and one of those weird funnels you used in chemistry class. But we kind of like it, for nostalgia and all that…
We’re all about innovation; in fact it gets us quite excited, so when we heard about this failed bong attempt (we’re not kidding, that was genuinely the initial intention) that turned into a pretty nifty piece of drinking kit, naturally we just had to share. With only 3000 on the planet, and that was a couple of days ago, so they may nearly be gone, we envisage these selling out pretty quickly.

So how does it work? Being in somewhat of a V shape, you pour your Champagne into the top flute area, you then insert the funnel end into your mouth, tilt your head back and Voila, you just took a shot of champagne and gained street-cred.We think we’ll order a couple of these for the New Year. Knowing how messy Champagne adventures can get, just make sure, as the accidental imbibe-innovators put it, ‘You always Chambong responsibly”.
Oh by the way, just in case you were wondering… no, you can’t smoke it.

Courtesy: drinkmemag.com